Shepparton & Goulburn Valley Industry Toolkit

Help us support your business

This toolkit is designed to support visitor economy businesses within Greater Shepparton. This page will continue to be updated with information and resources to assist you in your business and to leverage the most from the visitor economy. Please visit regularly and share amongst your networks.

Is your business located within the Greater Shepparton municipality? Are you an accommodation property, visitor experience, hospitality business or retail? Does tourism bring customers into your business spending their tourist dollars? The resources and opportunities featured in this industry toolkit and the visitor economy industry newsletter are designed to assist and support you in your business. 

Once a fortnight we distribute an Industry eNews specifically for those operating in the Greater Shepparton visitor economy. Keep up to date on tourism and events industry news, training opportunities, Council projects, marketing activities and more!  

Click here to sign up to be included on the distribution list and remember to save and to your contacts, so that when you're signed up to our emails they don't go to your junk. 

Book a time to meet with a member of the Visitor Economy team to ensure you're maximising opportunities for us to support you. 

To arrange a time phone Jess on 03 5832 9874.

Goulburn Region Tourism Incorporated (GRT) is the new Visitor Economy Partnership supporting the visitor economy of Greater Shepparton City, Mitchell Shire and Strathbogie Shire Council. Transition to this entity is now well underway.

Chair: Peter Russell
CEO: Jane Lovell 

Further information on the transition process can be found on the Project page here. If you have any questions, you can reach out to

The Shepparton & Goulburn Valley 2024 - 2027 Conference and Event Planning Guide delivers event organisers comprehensive venue and service listings for Shepparton & Goulburn Valley, all in the one location.

The aim of the Conference and Event Planning Guide is to grow our share of the meetings, conference and events market by working collaboratively to demonstrate the quality and diversity of conference and major event venues, services and attractions in Shepparton & Goulburn Valley.

Who should advertise?
  • Major event venues
  • Business seeking conference and event bookings
  • Event and conference service suppliers
  • Catering suppliers
  • Tourism businesses and attractions

Regardless of the size of your business, this is your opportunity to join operators and stakeholders to make Shepparton & Goulburn Valley the number one regional choice for conference and major event organisers. Don’t miss this opportunity to represent and grow the Shepparton & major events market, join today! Booking form Terms & Conditions apply.

Rates & Important Dates

Bookings finalised by the Friday 19 April 2024 will receive a 5% discount. Prices are gst inclusive.

10% DISCOUNT for businesses having a listing in the Official Visitor Guide.

  • Venues with conference and event facilities are not eligible to purchase a quarter page advertisement
  • Suppliers are not eligible to purchase a full page advertisement
  • A limited number of full and half page listings will be available, to ensure you secure the best layout to showcase your venue please ensure you book your space at your earliest convenience. Larger layouts will be confirmed on a ‘first come,
    first served basis’ until all available listings of that size are exhausted
  • Consistent with the previous edition, the conference guide listings will be laid out in a set template for each listing size, no alterations to the template will be accepted.
Advertising Enquiries

For further information and booking details please contact:
Sharlene Putman
03 5832 9700 

Website and Social Media support:

Shepp & GV website

Please familiarise yourself with the Visitor Economy Media and Promotion Guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact the Visitor Economy Team. 

List your business on the website

Business listings on Shepparton & Goulburn Valley are important to help showcase your hard work to the regions visitors. Guidelines for inclusion on the website have recently changed. Please review the guidelines and complete your listing request to be included on 

Review and  update your business listing details

  • We encourage you to regularly review and update your listing information with the Visitor Centre. If your offerings change, or your hours of operation change, please let us know by sending us an email. 

Contribute content to the S&GV blog

  • If you'd like to contribute content to the Shepp & GV blog, please submit your content to 
  • Content should be between 250-450 words, written in the third person, and accompanied by a hero image (or video), and four (4) supplementary images.
  • Permission for use of images or video and appropriate image credits must be provided at the time of submission. 
  • Video must be provided as a youtube link. 
  • Blogs will be published at the discretion of the S&GV team and subject to availability. 

Shepp & GV social media

  • Shepparton & Goulburn Valley on Facebook
  • Shepparton & Goulburn Valley on Instagram
  • If you're happy for us to share your posts from time to time, tag Shepparton & Goulburn Valley in your social media posts simply by using @sheppandgv on Facebook or Instagram. 
  • Local Hashtags
    #SheppandGV #ComeSeeForYourself #MooovingArt
  • Regional Hashtags
    #VisitVictoria #EveryBitDifferent #StayCloseGoFurther #SeeAustralia #VisitMelbourne
  • Event Specific
    eg: #Illuminate2023 #IlluminateShepparton #dadsoftheGV #FathersDay

There are a range of Community Noticeboards and Community Groups on social media, the search options are endless. Here are some examples from across the region, each will have their own rules and guidelines. Shepparton Community Notice Board, Shepparton & Surrounds Noticeboard, Support Businesses in the GVMooroopna Community Notice Board, Murchison, Dookie, Merrigum, Tallygaroopna, Toolamba.

Social Media Takeover

  • Don't miss the Social Media Takeover opportunity. Read the details in the below article and submit your request to 

Social Media Call for Content

  • Do you have a new offering for summer / winter, or something that you'd like to share on the Shepp & GV socials? Now is the chance to submit your content suggestions and images to our digital team. Email your images and content to the team on

Each school holidays Shepp & GV run a Holiday marketing campaign to promote all the activities and special offers across the region during the holidays. It includes listing on the website and social media promotion. There is no cost for businesses to participate, all you need to do is register your special offer or activity to be part of Home for the Holidays and promote the Home for the Holidays activities to your customers.

Each month, we will feature a different experience, event, attraction or business from our Shepparton & Goulburn Valley region on all our social media channels.

This is a great value opportunity for our community to share their stories and engage with new audiences, so it is important we work together to create content that makes people want to stop, read, share and act.

There is no monetary contribution required, simply the investment of some time to answer a few questions and provide a few photos, we do the rest. In return for your time investment, you're business can reach over 100,000 visitors throughout the month long campaign.

Simply complete this form, to register your interest.

Our new Shepparton & Goulburn Valley brand is the culmination of much consultation and brings the stories, experiences and attractions of our region all together under one distinct positioning that truly sets us apart within regional Victoria. 

The purpose of this Industry Toolkit is to help all of our local businesses, tourism operators and community groups to leverage the brand imagery, assets and messaging to help promote your own offers.

The OVG & Touring Map are here!!! They have been distributed to advertisers and high traffic locations. If you need more copies, they are available for collection from the Visitor Information Centre.

Interactive digital version of the guide and map are available online:

Huge thank you to the SO Creative team for all their hard work!


Flood water has receded, however the recovery is a long process for some. For information relating to Assistance Payments, how you can help and looking after ourselves please refer to the Council Flood Recovery resources and information and the latest Looking After Ourselves and Others flyer.

In a flood event, VICSES is the lead agency for latest updates. Refer to the VicEmergency app for the latest incidents and warnings.

Flood emergency - Industry support

The Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) Support Hub is a central online information point for the Tourism and Events sectors.  Please visit the Support Hub regularly for a range of information on flood support, assistance packages, and useful information to help get you and your business through this time.

Fire - Preparing your Tourism Business

It is not just residents that can be impacted by fire - bushfires can affect tourism businesses as well. 

Do you have a bushfire plan for your tourism business? CFA have created a Tourism Business Bushfire Plan that enables you to tailor it to your business's situation. To access the plan and further information visit CFA's Preparing Your Tourism Business.

Resilient Ready - Managing tourism in the wake of disasters

Resilient Ready is a social enterprise delivering innovative solutions to enable every organisation to thrive before, during and after disasters. You can read their blog on Managing tourism in the wake of disasters, and sign up to their newsletters if you wish.