This Production from Promac will commemorate the Spirit of the ANZACS and Vietnam Vets.
2025 is a significant year being 80 years since the end of WW2
With wonderful songs, stories and letters from the 40s, 50s, 60s, as well as beautiful images on the big screen this production has sold out in most theatres around Australia.
Great songs from The Andrew Sisters, Vera Lynn, Bob Dylan, John Denver, Tom Jones to name just a few. Also there are a few Laughs along the way.
So join the Promac Company led by Star Tenor Roy Best, International Soprano Alison Jones and Narrator/compere Christopher McKenna with Virtuoso William Schmidt at the piano, to remember those who gave of their lives in service of our Country
Promac Productions Dedicates this show to those brave men and women who gave of their lives in service or our Country
This production is the only fully sanctioned production permitted to use the word ANZACS by the Federal Government’s Department of Veterans Affairs Canberra