Run, walk, roll or watch and cheer as we raise money for MND.

6 April 2025 at 9:00am
1A Wheelhouse Street Toolamba (Toolamba Recreation Reserve)
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Jane Spencer, a well known and loved Murchison local is the inspiration behind SOD OFF MND Fun Run.

Jane’s particular MND is caused by a hereditary gene mutation, the SOD1 Gene, mutating and becoming toxic to other nerve cells.

MND took her mother’s life in 1990, her cousin’s life in 2010 and now, she is also facing the same fight.

With the advances in technology there is now a treatment that can slow down this diseases progress, but unfortunately there is no cure. Every 3 weeks Janes husband drives her to Sydney for a lumber puncture under imaging. This treatment is ongoing and currently the only glimmer of hope for her and her family.

All fundraising proceeds will be put into MND Research, in particular, to the Macquarie University Hospital and Prof Domonic Rowes team.

His tireless efforts, enthusiasm, dogged dedication and care for his patients is inspiring and gives Jane and her family hope that one day there will be a MND free future.

For more information
Contact: SOD OFF MND at