In 1916, activist James Arden made a stand for Gunditjmara people against the missionaries and the station manager who controlled their movement. His story is a tale of identity, friendship, repatriation, racism, freedom and fighting for your rights.
Now, David Arden, the renowned co-founder of The Black Arm Band, shares his story and the story of his Great Grandfather and the Gunditjmara People in a powerful piece of truth-telling and intimately personal theatre.
Book now to secure your ticket to this one-off presentation of David Arden’s captivating musical journey.
Originally commissioned by YIRRAMBOI
Content Warning:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all peoples should be aware that MEERTA - Rise Up! The Ballad of James Arden and the associated songs, artworks, videos & website may contain the images, voices and/or names of people who have passed away. David Arden and family has respectfully consulted widely with family and community for appropriate use of images and in some circumstances where this may not have been possible we acknowledge it can cause deep distress and sadness for family members, extended family members, communities and peoples associated with the deceased. Upon request we will respectfully remove any images that may cause any individual family or community member distress or discomfort.
“David communicates his feelings beautifully – love; warmth; gratitude; sadness; yearning; and hope – through his songs and stories”. Jessica Nicholas Reviewer the Age
“David has the sweetest rhythms & he has a perfect ear on the guitar. His use of dynamics is simply brilliant. He is one of the finest guitarists in Australia.” The late Uncle Archie Roach AM
“David celebrates his life with courage, dignity and music, he shares these deeply personal moments. It is a celebration of the value of struggle, of fighting for a better world, and of the healing family and friends can bring to each other. David is giving something of incredible value to those willing to share an evening of music, reflection and celebration.” Uncle Colin Hunter Jnr
Artwork by EARTHwise Culture
Photo by Tiffany Garvie