Please note: this is a past event

Past events are archived for future reference.

IDAHOBIT celebrates our LGBTIQ+ community and raises awareness for the work still needed to increase acceptance and reduce discrimination.

17 May 2024 at 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Queens Gardens, Wyndham St/Welsford St Shepparton, Yorta Yorta Country

Join the celebration of equality at the IDAHOBIT event on Friday 17 May 2024. The Queens Gardens in Shepparton will turn rainbow colours for the International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination.

  • Raising of the rainbow flag
  • Live music from local queer young people
  • Free fun activities
  • Photo wall
  • Keynote speakers
  • FREE food

Accessibility and further information

  • The venue of Queens Gardens has sealed paths surrounding three sides and through the space. The remainder of the surfaces are grass. There will be some marquees on the grass but will not be on paths. There will not be sealed path access to all stall holders.
  • Onsite there is an all accessible, all gender bathroom. In addition, there are two other all gender bathrooms.
  • There will be free water available in a water trailer and the event will include free food. There is lots of traffic moving along two of the streets the garden sits between, and the space is not fenced. There will be 75 – 100 people at one point during the event, however the space is large, so will not be heavily crowded.
  • Keynote speeches and live music will occur during event. There will be games where people will make noise while playing. The Gardens is a vast space and there are spaces that offer less noise onsite.
  • There are some tables and chairs provided for seating.
  • There will be people of all ages in attendance and activities for you to participate in, if you want to.
  • There will also be staff from services to chat to and organisational information.
  • There will be local LLO (LGBTIQA+ Liaison Officer’s) Victoria Police staff on site at this event to support our LGBTIQA+ community.
  • LGBTIQA+ community organisation GV Pride will be in attendance on the day alongside many supportive LGBTIQA+ ally services.

Please email for further information or any questions in relation to IDAHOBIT.

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For more information
Contact: Email or call us on 03 5832 9700