ANZAC Day is one of Australia's most important national commemorative occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
25 April 2024
Various across Greater Shepparton
Lest We Forget.
6.00am Dawn Service at Shepparton War Memorial, Cnr of Welsford and Fryers St. Followed by gunfire breakfast at Shepparton RSL.
10.40am Assemble for march at RSL, followed by Commemorative Service at Shepparton War Memorial.
A light lunch will be available in the Lone Pine function room for $5 per person. All proceeds will support Goulburn Valley Veterans Services. Complimentary tea, coffee and juice until 9am, and $2 each for egg and bacon rolls with all proceeds going to the 2024 Anzac Appeal.
Although seating will be provided for veterans, we ask you to please bring your own chairs if you would like to be seated throughout either service. The club will be open from 6am.
8.40am Assemble for march at Watt Rd Bridge. This will be followed by a Commemorative Service at the War Memorial, McLennan St.
10.00am Commemorative Service at Community Hall, Wren St.
5.30am Dawn Service at Murchison War Memorial, Riverside Gardens, Stevenson St, followed by gunfire breakfast.
5.45amDawn Service followed by gunfire breakfast at Mactier Memorial Gardens, Hogan St with proceeds going to veteran welfare.
10.30amAssemble for march at Stuart Mock Pl, followed by Commemorative Service at Mactier Memorial Gardens at 11am.
National Morris Register Inc will be in Tatura in the morning. They will be parked at the Tatura clubrooms car park at 9 Hastie St, a 10-minute walk from the Mactier Gardens, for viewing of cars.
11.30amWreath Laying Ceremony at Tallygaroopna Soldiers Memorial Hall, followed by barbecue lunch provided by the Lions Club. Donations to cover costs would be appreciated. Tea and coffee will be available.
10.30amMarch. Followed by Commemorative Service at War Memorial, Mary St, Dookie.
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